Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

I love learning about wellness and consider myself to be a wellness junkie. I’ll admit that I’m not an expert at self-care and fall off the wellness wagon here and there. But, at least I’m being fully honest about it. When I’m feeling a bit lazy and tired, I turn to social media and browse through my self-care pro’s pages. I guess that also counts as practicing self-care. Right? Yes! 

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Identity & Self-Care

Identity & Self-Care

Identity can be defined and explained in so many different ways. It can bring up various emotions and feelings when folks take the time to allow themselves to become vulnerable and dig deep into their identities. That’s exactly what I asked the participants in my first workshop at Community Well to do.

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LGBTQ Support Group

LGBTQ Support Group

Our parents, or the people who raised us, mold our beliefs, teach us about rules to follow, show us how we should act and what roles we play.  For example, at a young age we are nice to people or we have to deal with consequences such as time-out or a call home can follow. Parents play an important role in how their children will treat others. According to Kids in the House, "Knowing information early can help prevent so many of the self-esteem damaging experiences that LGBTQ and Trans individuals face.” 

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Helping to Heal Our Children

Helping to Heal Our Children

The number of children who observe violence at home is estimated to be 3 million every year. These statistics are alarming. Verbal and physical abuse can be equally harming. This can leave an impact on future generations and backtrack society as a whole. 

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Breastfeeding Tips

Breastfeeding Tips

It is essential for a mother to breastfeed in order to provide their baby with enough nutrients. These nutrients protect their baby from diseases, infections and help digestion. There are certain foods mothers should have in their diets to breastfeed their baby healthily.

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Essential Oils Can Make A Difference

Essential Oils Can Make A Difference

A natural plant-based oil is composed of biologically volatile compounds that run through your brain in areas of emotion and memory. By simply applying essential oils to your pulse points (where your blood is closer to your skin) and then inhaling you can have the best results.

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The Benefits of Infant Massage

The Benefits of Infant Massage

An infant massage not only ensures quality time between the parent and the infant, but it improves the well being of the baby as well. Massages control hormones, which lead to controls of stress, improve sleep and minimize crying...

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Self-esteem: Development & Growth of Children

Self-esteem: Development & Growth of Children

Self-esteem is important for the development and growth of children. Children who have low self-esteem, have negative thoughts about themselves, give up easily and feel like they do not belong at school or in groups/sports...

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Renewal and Rebalancing

Renewal and Rebalancing

After a long day of work and still many tasks to go, we create busy routines in our lives. It's hard to notice we didn't take care of ourselves the way we should and this creates a build up of stress...

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Why are childbirth classes important?

Why are childbirth classes important?

Childbirth classes are a safe space to openly ask any questions, clarify any hospital procedure or acquire knowledge about pain relief. By preparing for delivery, you are making this beautiful time in your life the most comfortable as possible.

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Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy is a beautiful and stressful journey. Many women deal with bleeding, nausea, vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain and finally hard labor. In a study by the Department of Obstetric Gynecological Nursing and Midwifery, two groups were followed. One group did not attend yoga classes and the other did other six 1-hour yoga classes every two weeks...

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Healing Trauma

Healing Trauma

Events such as the death of a family member, natural disasters or emotional and physical abuse can leave a negative mark in our life. According to Psychology Today, "Trauma feelings cannot be repressed or forgotten". This will lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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Claiming Prosperity

Claiming Prosperity

Everyone wishes for prosperity. What distinguishes people from getting it is hard work and the right mindset. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. If you believe you ARE successful, abundant, and lucky it will happen.

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Nurture Yourself: Women's Cricles

Nurture Yourself: Women's Cricles

Joining a women's circle is a great way to nurture yourself.  Women circles provide a safe atmosphere for women to share, receive support and strengthen bonds with other women. The collective wisdom of a circle can be very powerful for breakthroughs and healing.

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