Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

With January soon coming to an end, we are all likely reflecting upon our new year's resolutions and goals for the year. Here are a few tips and pieces of advice for living a more prosperous life in 2016 from Anna Lemind, owner of

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Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga has become one of the biggest fitness trends in recent years. Yoga studios are opening up in every city and there is surely at least one in your neighborhood. While yoga may be one of the biggest fitness trends nowadays, a study reveals yoga’s true healing powers for cancer survivors. 

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4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

Therapy offers many benefits for everyone, not just people who are going through tough times. As naturally social creatures, we can benefit from talking about our problems and finding healthy outlets for stress relief. We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that, “research has shown that verbalizing feelings can have a significant therapeutic effect on the brain.” 

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Positive Impact of Support Groups

Positive Impact of Support Groups

Although this article comes from, or the National Infertility Association, it speaks to the benefits of support groups like those we have here at Community Well. The article discusses how support groups help individuals cope with negative feelings primarily, and although support groups are helpful with processing negative feelings, they are also in place to help community members share tips, share individual experiences, and lots more. 

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New Year, New You: Making Time for Wellness

New Year, New You: Making Time for Wellness

After indulging a bit too much this holiday season, it’s common for us to incorporate health and wellness into our new year’s resolutions. However, we all know that it’s easy to make new year’s resolutions and it’s even easier to break them. It’s all too easy for us to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. 

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Meditation Doesn’t Have to be Boring! 10 Inspiring Tips

Meditation Doesn’t Have to be Boring! 10 Inspiring Tips

Practicing meditation on a regular basis isn’t the easiest task, especially for beginners. We live in a world where we need to think fast and are constantly moving. Practicing meditation is a huge contrast from our faced paced lives, thus making it difficult to stick with it. 

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Embracing the Feminine

Embracing the Feminine

This article discusses the position of Nina Simons, the President and Co-Founder of Bioneers, who believes that reclaiming the feminine is crucial to helping us realign our personal and societal values and practices.

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