Breastfeeding Benefits Add Up!

Breastfeeding Benefits Add Up!

We learned via an article by Breastfeeding Basics that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least the first year of life. This may not be a realistic goal for all mothers but there are benefits to breastfeeding your baby for a few weeks to a few months. 

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Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

Prenatal Yoga for Easier Delivery

One of the most anxious aspects of pregnancy is labor and delivery. We learned via an article by that many women spend weeks, even months, feeling anxious about childbirth. However, the article stated that women who practice prenatal yoga before giving birth learn how to decrease their anxiety about labor. 

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The Midwives of El Paso

The Midwives of El Paso

Today we learned via The Atlantic that, "For women of the border, where to give birth is a matter of enormous consequence, and a birthing-center industry has flourished as a result." There are many reasons why women of the border choose to give birth in El Paso, but the world of opportunities available in the United States is the primary driving force.

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The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups

The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups

Support systems are extremely important for new mothers. As new mothers, there are some things that come instinctively. However, the journey of motherhood is a long one and receiving a little help along the way with a group of like-minded women makes the journey a lot easier. 

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The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

Congratulations! You’ve just finished the toughest workout of your life and now you are wondering how you are going to balance taking care of your new baby and fitting in some exercise.

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A Study Of New Mothers Reveals The Importance of Community

A Study Of New Mothers Reveals The Importance of Community

We have all heard before that it takes a village to raise a child. The support parents receive from their family, friends, and community members can have a profound impact on the family’s happiness and stress levels. This is especially true for new parents who may need the extra help in the beginning of a new journey with their first baby. 

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Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Recently the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) kicked off an effort, working in concert with a large number of partners in the state--- such as the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative, Pacific Business Group on Health and the Hospital Quality Institute--  to lower the rates of low risk C-sections in the state.

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The Benefit of Social Support for New Moms

The Benefit of Social Support for New Moms

The journey for new moms is an exciting one! And yes, new dads too! Although a joyful time, we learned via Psychology Today that, “taking care of a child and recovering physically from childbirth can be emotionally draining” for new moms. Research suggests that being in community and seeking social support can help new mothers combat their stress. 

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Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Acupuncture for Pregnancy

According to Jill Stevens, L.Ac., acupuncture is commonly used during pregnancy to induce labor, avoid medical induction and to help turn a baby in a breech position. However, Stevens recommends mothers use acupuncture from the beginning of pregnancy to postpartum. 

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VICTORY! SB407 Signed Into Law!

VICTORY! SB407 Signed Into Law!

Hooray! Thanks to the passing of SB407, services by licensed midwives will now be covered by Medi-Cal! Governor Brown signed this legislation at the end of September and we are so proud to be witnessing it. Now all birthing families and midwives will be supported in California!

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Increasing Access to Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Increasing Access to Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Every year in sub-Saharan Africa, almost 200,000 women die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. One in 39 women in sub-Saharan Africa is at risk of dying of pregnancy related complications, compared to one in 4,300 in developed countries. Sometimes we forget how truly lucky we are. 

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The Rebozo is More Than Just a Shawl

The Rebozo is More Than Just a Shawl

The rebozo (ree-bo-zo) is a delicately woven, multifunctional, traditional shawl from Mexico. According to Tereza Iniguez Flores, a Curandera and Holistic Life Coach at Community Well, the rebozo is a healing practice handed down by the ancestral grandmothers of Mexico.

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