Women on the Move

Women on the Move

I’ve always had a zest for traveling but have never worked up the nerve to take the ultimate leap oversees and see the world. Just as Maya Angelou once said, “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. ”That’s so true and that’s what these wanderlust women are doing.

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Let's Get Well

Let's Get Well

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the 2nd Annual Sacramento Black Women’s Health & Wellness Conference. It was a day-long conference dedicated to empower and educate black women on the health issues that we face within our community.

When I first heard of this conference I was super excited to learn more about how to take care of myself...

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I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

I can’t keep calm because I have anxiety!

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Almost everyone I know has been experiencing anxiety in some form recently. Whether it is from politics, concerns about health care, police brutality, life stress, loss, hormonal changes, or some unknown reason – there is a lot to feel anxious about these days!

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Acts of Gratitude

Acts of Gratitude

As the school year comes to a close for myself and my students, I reflect and think back on how this has been a year filled with ups and downs. As my students are preparing for their next chapter – college, their gratitude has reminded me to express my gratitude no matter what.

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Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

Wellness Women of Color You Should Follow

I love learning about wellness and consider myself to be a wellness junkie. I’ll admit that I’m not an expert at self-care and fall off the wellness wagon here and there. But, at least I’m being fully honest about it. When I’m feeling a bit lazy and tired, I turn to social media and browse through my self-care pro’s pages. I guess that also counts as practicing self-care. Right? Yes! 

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Identity & Self-Care

Identity & Self-Care

Identity can be defined and explained in so many different ways. It can bring up various emotions and feelings when folks take the time to allow themselves to become vulnerable and dig deep into their identities. That’s exactly what I asked the participants in my first workshop at Community Well to do.

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Helping to Heal Our Children

Helping to Heal Our Children

The number of children who observe violence at home is estimated to be 3 million every year. These statistics are alarming. Verbal and physical abuse can be equally harming. This can leave an impact on future generations and backtrack society as a whole. 

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The Benefits of Infant Massage

The Benefits of Infant Massage

An infant massage not only ensures quality time between the parent and the infant, but it improves the well being of the baby as well. Massages control hormones, which lead to controls of stress, improve sleep and minimize crying...

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Renewal and Rebalancing

Renewal and Rebalancing

After a long day of work and still many tasks to go, we create busy routines in our lives. It's hard to notice we didn't take care of ourselves the way we should and this creates a build up of stress...

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Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy is a beautiful and stressful journey. Many women deal with bleeding, nausea, vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain and finally hard labor. In a study by the Department of Obstetric Gynecological Nursing and Midwifery, two groups were followed. One group did not attend yoga classes and the other did other six 1-hour yoga classes every two weeks...

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Healing Trauma

Healing Trauma

Events such as the death of a family member, natural disasters or emotional and physical abuse can leave a negative mark in our life. According to Psychology Today, "Trauma feelings cannot be repressed or forgotten". This will lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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Nurture Yourself: Women's Cricles

Nurture Yourself: Women's Cricles

Joining a women's circle is a great way to nurture yourself.  Women circles provide a safe atmosphere for women to share, receive support and strengthen bonds with other women. The collective wisdom of a circle can be very powerful for breakthroughs and healing.

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