Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

Tips for Living a Happy and Prosperous Life

With January soon coming to an end, we are all likely reflecting upon our new year's resolutions and goals for the year. Here are a few tips and pieces of advice for living a more prosperous life in 2016 from Anna Lemind, owner of

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The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups

The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups

Support systems are extremely important for new mothers. As new mothers, there are some things that come instinctively. However, the journey of motherhood is a long one and receiving a little help along the way with a group of like-minded women makes the journey a lot easier. 

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Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga’s Healing Powers for Cancer Survivors

Yoga has become one of the biggest fitness trends in recent years. Yoga studios are opening up in every city and there is surely at least one in your neighborhood. While yoga may be one of the biggest fitness trends nowadays, a study reveals yoga’s true healing powers for cancer survivors. 

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Are Parenting Classes Worth It?

Are Parenting Classes Worth It?

We learned via an article by Slate that Britain attempted to launch a pilot program which offered parenting classes for lower income families in 2012. They expected “around 20,000 parents of children under five to show up. Fever than 3,000 did”. 

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The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

The Benefits of Postnatal Exercise

Congratulations! You’ve just finished the toughest workout of your life and now you are wondering how you are going to balance taking care of your new baby and fitting in some exercise.

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Developmental Movement Skills for Babies

Developmental Movement Skills for Babies

We learned via an article by Active for Life that movement and exercise for babies is rarely ever mentioned in baby books. We tend to forget that the more engagement and movement babies experience during the day, the better the sleep. Just like adults, babies need to be active in order to be healthy and learn important movement skills. 

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4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

4 Benefits of Therapy (For Everyone!)

Therapy offers many benefits for everyone, not just people who are going through tough times. As naturally social creatures, we can benefit from talking about our problems and finding healthy outlets for stress relief. We learned via an article by the Huffington Post that, “research has shown that verbalizing feelings can have a significant therapeutic effect on the brain.” 

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Positive Impact of Support Groups

Positive Impact of Support Groups

Although this article comes from, or the National Infertility Association, it speaks to the benefits of support groups like those we have here at Community Well. The article discusses how support groups help individuals cope with negative feelings primarily, and although support groups are helpful with processing negative feelings, they are also in place to help community members share tips, share individual experiences, and lots more. 

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A Study Of New Mothers Reveals The Importance of Community

A Study Of New Mothers Reveals The Importance of Community

We have all heard before that it takes a village to raise a child. The support parents receive from their family, friends, and community members can have a profound impact on the family’s happiness and stress levels. This is especially true for new parents who may need the extra help in the beginning of a new journey with their first baby. 

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Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Fewer Cesarean Sections in California

Recently the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) kicked off an effort, working in concert with a large number of partners in the state--- such as the California Maternity Quality Care Collaborative, Pacific Business Group on Health and the Hospital Quality Institute--  to lower the rates of low risk C-sections in the state.

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You're Never Too Young, Never Too Old to Read

You're Never Too Young, Never Too Old to Read

It’s no doubt that children whose parents read to them get a head start on language skills and literacy. However, many children aren’t getting ahead. According to NPR, one-third of children starting kindergarten do not have the language skills they need to learn to read. 

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New Year, New You: Making Time for Wellness

New Year, New You: Making Time for Wellness

After indulging a bit too much this holiday season, it’s common for us to incorporate health and wellness into our new year’s resolutions. However, we all know that it’s easy to make new year’s resolutions and it’s even easier to break them. It’s all too easy for us to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. 

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What Kind of Help Do I Need After Baby Arrives?

What Kind of Help Do I Need After Baby Arrives?

Figuring out the help you need after the birth of your baby can be tricky. Your family members are coming to your home offering to feed, play and and care for your baby while you and your partner rest. However, having so much help in your home can be overwhelming. Sometimes you just want mom, dad and baby time!

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Meditation Doesn’t Have to be Boring! 10 Inspiring Tips

Meditation Doesn’t Have to be Boring! 10 Inspiring Tips

Practicing meditation on a regular basis isn’t the easiest task, especially for beginners. We live in a world where we need to think fast and are constantly moving. Practicing meditation is a huge contrast from our faced paced lives, thus making it difficult to stick with it. 

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The Global Future of Work

The Global Future of Work

This beautiful article touches on some of the changes that are happening throughout workplaces with the invention of the internet and the rise in entrepreneurship. It discusses the limitations of work hierarchies and the benefits of collaboration within the workplace. A lot of what the article discusses is in line with Community Well's model of inclusion, collaboration and connection to spirituality.

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The Benefit of Social Support for New Moms

The Benefit of Social Support for New Moms

The journey for new moms is an exciting one! And yes, new dads too! Although a joyful time, we learned via Psychology Today that, “taking care of a child and recovering physically from childbirth can be emotionally draining” for new moms. Research suggests that being in community and seeking social support can help new mothers combat their stress. 

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How to Teach Gratitude to Children

How to Teach Gratitude to Children

It is finally December and we are officially in the holiday season! The holidays are meant to express love, appreciation and gratitude towards our loved ones. However, teaching gratitude to our children is not the easiest parenting task. How can we teach our children to be grateful for what they have? 

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