Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

Who Benefits From Somatic Healing?

We learned via SEAustraila that anyone who wishes to feel empowered again and learn about "their body’s natural ability to calm itself after strong feelings or activation caused by a situation they perceive as being stressful or threatening" can benefit from somatic healing.

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How To Become Financially Empowered: 4 Steps

How To Become Financially Empowered: 4 Steps

Sometimes we feel that we are not in control of our money or perhaps money makes us feel powerless. However, we learned via LifeDaily that "In order to change your relationship with money you need to be fully aware of your finances, and your current financial situation, and you need to make a choice to take control of it." You have the choice about how money makes you feel, so here are 6 ways you can become financially empowered.

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4 Ways to Find Self-Empowerment

4 Ways to Find Self-Empowerment

We learned via Operation Meditation that self-empowerment means taking charge of your life and "involves recognizing that within each of us is the ability to live from our natural being state" Here are 5 ways to find self-empowerment and live a happy and stress-free life.

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Benefits of Holistic Treatments

Benefits of Holistic Treatments

We learned via Health Guidance that "modern medicine has evolved into more discoveries of new drugs and new forms of treatment to cure diseases. However, another kind of treatment has given rise to a more realistic approach to cure illness – the holistic way which is a kind of treatment that would go back to the basic roots of the cause of the illness and the person’s whole being as an important part of this treatment."

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Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

Wellness Tips: How to Foster Self-Healing

According to an article by Woman's Day, "One of the most important components of healing is recognizing the powerful connection between your mind and body". The article states, "Studies show that stress and negative emotions can cause a physical reaction that can slow your body's ability to heal". Here are a few tips to help you foster self-healing:

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Why Teens Go to Therapy

Why Teens Go to Therapy

Many teens are hesitant about seeing a therapist, often refusing help. It's important for parents to not overlook key signs that their child may need professional help. Here are 10 reasons why teens attend therapy, according to an article by verywell.com

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Why Everyone Should Consider Seeing A Life Coach

Why Everyone Should Consider Seeing A Life Coach

We learned via The Greatist that there are many benefits to meeting with a life coach. They stated that, "Coaching is different from psychotherapy, though it can be used in conjunction with therapy. It focuses on helping clients to thrive in the present and future, and on creating a vision and action plan towards living life to its fullest capacity."

Check out these 5 reasons why you should consider meeting with a life coach! 

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5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified!

According to an article via Everyday Health, most people who suffer from a heart attack outside of a hospital do not get CPR from a bystander, which significantly lessens their chances of survival. Here are 5 reasons to get CPR training now:

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4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

4 Interesting Reasons to Try Therapy

We learned via an article by Forbes that some people are under the misconception that therapy is for people who are "weak". However, this isn't true. The article stated that, "Psychotherapy is a tool that creates success. Smart people use it." 

Therapy is something that everyone must try at least once in there lives. Here are 4 reasons why!

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What is Homeopathic Medicine?

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathic Medicine is "the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick", according to the American Institute of Homeopathy. The person is treated as a whole, rather than a diseased part of a labeled sickness. Homeopathy is a natural alternative because its remedies are from natural sources, such as vegetables, minerals, or animals in nature. 

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New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

New Study: Stress Affects Males and Females Differently

According to The Science Daily, a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that "a stress receptor in the brain regulates metabolic responses to stressful situations differently in male and female mice". Moreover, the results could help develop treatments for regulating hunger or stress responses, including anxiety and depression. 

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How Yoga Fosters a Real Community

How Yoga Fosters a Real Community

According to Yoga Journal, the secret to living a happy and healthy life is spending quality time with family, friends, and community, while also staying open to new relationships. One way to forge new and lasting connections is through yoga.

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7 Ways to Attract Wealth & Prosperity Into Your life

7 Ways to Attract Wealth & Prosperity Into Your life

The law of attraction can simply be defined as what you emit in your thoughts, feelings, and actions to the world will be attracted back into your life. Essentially, every good or bad event that happens in your life was attracted by you.

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8 Benefits of Holistic Life Coaching

8 Benefits of Holistic Life Coaching

We learned via Personal Development Central that holistic life coaching has several benefits if you are looking to make changes in your life. If you are stuck in some areas of your life or aren’t feeling fulfilled or satisfied, a holistic life coach can help you widen your perspective and help you grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally. 


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10 Benefits of Homeopathy

10 Benefits of Homeopathy

We learned via care2.com that homeopathy has several benefits. Homeopathy is "a natural, holistic, approach to healing a person, using minute doses of specific remedies." It is individualized for each person because not everyone is alike. 

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How to Create an Abundant Mindset

How to Create an Abundant Mindset

Developing an abundant mindset is important because it allowed you to see life in a bigger perspective. We learned via Positivity Blog that, “there are always new chances and opportunities” when you realize the importance of abundance in your life. Here are 3 ways to create an abundant mindset:

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Benefits Of Meditation: How Mindfulness Helps Boosts Immunity, Reduce Stress

Benefits Of Meditation: How Mindfulness Helps Boosts Immunity, Reduce Stress

New age technology is robbing us all from the one thing we need the most for a healthy, low-stress life: silence. According to the Medical Daily, "In an age where the world is at our fingertips 24/7, it’s easy for our minds and bodies to be on digital overload". Disconnecting from the world and quieting our minds with meditation may help us recharge our physical, emotional, and mental health.

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